
U.S. Customs Market Update

December 04

8:00am-9:00am PST


Join Expeditors' U.S. Customs product leaders for a Market Update webinar.

We will discuss the 2025 Trade Outlook regarding:

  • Potential Tariffs Under Trump Administration
  • CBP Changes (e.g., Global Business Identifier Pilot, De Minimis/Entry Type 86 Changes)
  • PGA Changes (e.g., CPSC, FDA MoCRA, Lacey Act Expansion)
  • CBP Continuing Education Requirements for Licensed Customs Brokers
  • Trade Preference Agreements
  • Forced Labor / UFLPA
  • Q&A
Register here

U.S. Customs Market Update - Option 2

December 04

11:00am-12:00pm PST


Join Expeditors' U.S. Customs product leaders for a Market Update webinar.

We will discuss the 2025 Trade Outlook regarding:

  • Potential Tariffs Under Trump Administration
  • CBP Changes (e.g., Global Business Identifier Pilot, De Minimis/Entry Type 86 Changes)
  • PGA Changes (e.g., CPSC, FDA MoCRA, Lacey Act Expansion)
  • CBP Continuing Education Requirements for Licensed Customs Brokers
  • Trade Preference Agreements
  • Forced Labor / UFLPA
  • Q&A
Register here

Export Compliance Webinar: The Basics

December 05

9:00am-10:00am PST



Join Expeditors' Seattle's Export Compliance Specialist as she discusses the basic compliance requirements for exporting from the US.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Why Government Controls Export
  • Basic responsibilities of an exporter
  • Documentation
  • Recordkeeping
  • Best practices
Register here

A Compliance Tool - Tradeflow

December 11

4:00pm-5:00pm GMT+3



In this Webinar, we will be introducing Tradeflow; a web-based compliance tool that helps importers and exporters gain more control of their trade operations. Divided into integrated modules, Tradeflow facilitates activities such as global product classification, landed cost estimation, compliance management, electronic document creation, and restricted party screening.

Register here

Webinar - Actualización Aduanera Perú: Modificaciones al Reglamento de la Ley General De Aduanas

December 12

11:00am-12:00pm EST



Mediante D.S. N° 198-2024-EF publicado el 24.10.2024 se han efectuado modificaciones importantes que impactan en el proceso actual de despacho aduanero y que se basaba en el principio de buena fe y credibilidad en el usuario. Se establecen y refuerzan los mecanismos de control en cuanto a la validez de la data que se transmite como sustento de la Declaración de Aduanas y que en caso de inobservancia se pone en vigencia la aplicación de sanciones. En la medida que los cambios se implementen y consoliden, su aplicación implicara un proceso de adaptación rápida a los nuevos requerimientos que está estableciendo SUNAT

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